Dr alban

Dr. Alban – Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Dr. Alban (født Alban Uzoma Nwapa, 26. august 1957 i Enugu i Nigeria) er en nigeriansk/svensk musiker og musikproducent. … Han voksede op i Nigeria, men han …

Dr. Alban – Wikipedia

Alban, is a Nigerian-Swedish recording artist and producer with his own record label, Dr. Records. … His music can best be described as Eurodance/hip-hop reggae …

Dr Alban | Official Site

Welcome to the home of Dr Alban, with world wide sales of over 5 million albums and over 6 million singles, which resulted in 7 times Silver, 30 times Gold …

Welcome to the home of Dr Alban, with world wide sales of over 5 million albums and over 6 million singles, which resulted in 7 times Silver, 30 times Gold and 30 times Platinum.

Dr. Alban | Musik | DR

Alban Uzoma Nwapa er kendt under kunstnernavnet Dr. Alban og blev født i Sverige d. 26. okt 1957 og er 65 år.

Dr Alban – Facebook

Dr Alban. 113.817 Synes godt om · 511 taler om dette. This is the Official Dr. Alban Page.

@dralbanofficial • Instagram photos and videos

Dr Alban. ffm.to/dralban-change.OIS. Flux’s profile picture. Flux. Highlights’s profile picture. Highlights. Highlights’s profile picture.

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Køb og salg af Dr Alban i Lp på DBA.

Køb og salg af Dr Alban i Lp på DBA

‎Dr. Alban på Apple Music

Lyt til musik af Dr. Alban på Apple Music. Find populære sange og albums af Dr. Alban, inklusive Sing Hallelujah!, It’s My Life (Sash! RMX) og mange flere.

Dr. Alban age, hometown, biography – Last.fm

Dr. Alban age, hometown, biography | Last.fm

Dr. Alban is a Swedish musician and producer with his own record label Dr. Records. His music can best be described as hip-hop reggae with a dance hall …

Read Dr. Alban’s bio and find out more about Dr. Alban’s songs, albums, and chart history. Get recommendations for other artists you’ll love.

Keywords: dr alban, dr alba